It’s October??? It’s October!!!!
As we enter October, we would like to recognize and celebrate National 4-H Week. It is the first full week of October each year. This year the dates are Oct. 1st-7th. 4-H’s mission is “engaging youth to reach their fullest potential while advancing the field of youth development.” The 4-H’s stand for ‘head, heart, hands, and health’. 4-H clubs can be found in the U.S. and Canada along with over 50 different countries as well.
According to the Nebraska 4-H website, 4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential working and learning in partnership with caring adults. In Nebraska, 1-in-3 age-eligible youth participates in 4-H, which is present in all 93 counties. These youth, ages 5-18, participate through camps, clubs, school enrichment, and afterschool programs. All 4-H programs are consistent in placing strong emphasis on life skills, such as problem solving, responsibility, citizenship, and leadership.
We salute all members who are currently in 4-H and encourage youth to participate in 4-H.
Posted on: Thursday, October 5, 2017
Last modified on: Thursday, October 5, 2017